ご注文を準備しています (2日目)


いいか?ユーザーの気持ちがわかっている北米 Amazon ならやるぞ。


― ある人の意見。

If you cannot see any download link or required license information above, please be patient. It may take a few minutes to update your order. Please contact customer service if the problem persists for more than a few hours.


Thank you for contacting Play-Asia.com.

We are very sorry for the delay in sending your code. By the time you? made the order, the code is not in stock.
We kindly ask you to wait for? 1-2 weeks for the re-stock of the code.

We will send you though the code as soon as we received the re-stock.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.



狼と香辛料 17 を 1週間前に Amazon で調べたときには載ってなかったのに、今見たら載ってる。
しかも発売が 7 月 8 日とか間際過ぎる。

画集はまだみたいだけど、7 月 30 日発売だから忘れないようにしないと。

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